Things have quieted down here the last week or two because all the classes we signed up for started.   Last week, we had 4 art class, 2 writing class, 1 homeschool group outing, and 1 science class.

Other than Monday, which is our quietest day because we have to stay home for our milk deliveries and can’t schedule classes, we had something going on every day.

On top of that, by Friday morning I woke up with a severe back ache.  I have herniated discs and once in awhile it flairs up to the point where every step is painful.  By the middle of the day I knew this was one of those times and made an appointment to see the PT.

Three years ago it cost $500 each time to see a PT without insurance.   This time it costs $1000.  Sigh.

On top of PT, I basically stayed in bed most of Friday and Saturday.  Fleur was very nice and took the kids out most of Saturday and cooked.   Thank goodness we had art class already scheduled and that just takes up half a day.

In any case, here are other random life slice of life stuff…

  • Watching LOTS of Robopoli.  It’s kind of like Ciao Hu except with vehicles.   I now have the theme song stuck in my head.
  • Drinking tons of grapefruit yukult every time we’re remotely close to a 五十嵐.  By “remotely close” I mean we stop at an earlier MRT stop so we can walk half a mile with cranky kids to buy some.
  • Taiwan is infinitely more fun with another adult who loves to eat and eggs you on to take side trips just for food.
  • Our neighbor has 5 dogs and we live in a neighborhood full of tall buildings.  The echoes from their nightly barking sound like there’s a pack of wild dogs roaming the hills.  How does anyone sleep around here?
  • I feel slightly guilty every time I take Uber; like I’m doing something illegal.  But it has been much cheaper and often a smoother ride in nicer cars.
  • Taking buses is also cheaper than the MRT because kids get half price.  However tonight I realized I’m contributing to all the terrible fumes on the road by endorsing the bus.  (Yes I’m a semi environmentalist.)  during commute hours the buses just line up 4-5 deep in some stops.
  • How can 7 people shed so much hair?  Our white tile floors means we need to sweep just about 3 times a day if not more.  Thank goodness Fleur seems semi immune to messes.
  • For awhile, if Fleur and I can manage not to fall asleep with the kids, we would stay up to watch a dubbed “W” (Korean drama) that’s showing nightly.  It’s like having a MNO!   There are definite pluses to traveling with a friend.
  • Fleur is a super great housemate.  I will refrain from waxing how great she is in the Internet.  But I’m definitely going to suffer Fleur-withdraw when we return to the US.
  • I’m sad the lack of IMei puddings at 7-eleven means I can’t have a cup a day.
  • We really live b**t far from everything.  I have also not achieved my goal of eating one guava a day because it requires walking by a fruit shop.
  • Thumper is taking up finger knitting and crocheting again after checking out a finger knit book from the HUCC coop.
  • What do you suppose is the point of geometry?   I know it’s everywhere in math but for the life of me I can’t think of how its applicable in daily life other than shape names.  A reason we just haven’t picked it up in homeschooling.
  • Watched “Your Name” online last night.  The anime movie was a super huge hit in Japan while we were there. We kept seeing posters and news about it.  Highly recommend!
  • I have definitely reached my limit in book luggage space.  And yet I keep finding more books to buy!

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