GYA16: Looking for DVDs at Electronics Shopping District 光華商圈

Itinerary: Electronics shopping district for DVDs

It’s been raining the last day or so and the weather has been down to the 70s.  We took it easy Saturday morning to catch up on school work.  After a nap, we headed out at 4pm to go find some Chinese DVDs.  The electronics district is right off of 忠孝新生 station.  You take exit 1, walk back, turn left around the school, and it’s 2 little tiny blocks ahead of you.

Of course, by the time we got there, the kids were hungry so the first stop was a little stand that sells 紅豆餅 Red bean cakes. These were huge ones that had tons of red beans in them.  Thumper couldn’t finish one.  I also sprang across the street for more winter melon lemon tea 檸檬冬瓜茶, my new favorite type of drink.

DVDWe then strolled down and hung out at 2 DVD stores to stock on up on Harry Potter and some Miyazaki DVDs.  I also saw some great documentaries by BBC and NHK.  However, I was surprised by my lack of desire to buy DVDs now adays.

I guess because I don’t need most of the Disney movies or cartoons like Sophia the First since I won’t let the kids watch them in English (evenif they do get it in English anyways at grandma’s).  And the science ones I’ve liked the 生活裡的科學 Daily Living Science youtube videos much better.

dvdI asked the clerk if they had Star Wars DVDs and maybe even the Hobbit.  But they said that these are typically only subtitled in Chinese.  Usually o
nly children’s movies are dubbed.

We went down the street after our DVD spree and wolfed down at least 15 pan fried buns 水煎包.  They are tiny ones that cost only $10 each and come in different flavors, like curry, red bean, and of course, veggies or meat.


Nothing is more fun than eating after shopping.  I think I will go again to Ximending 西門町 to look for bigger electronics stores after I think about what we need for homeschooling.   In terms of prices, I have found that DVDs are cheeper in physical stores than online, at least for the DVDs I look for.  The old Japanese anime I grew up with like 小甜甜, 小天使 are around $350.  The Miyazaki movies are around $400.  Harry Potter is $1230 at one DVD store and $1300 at the other.  Costo sold Robocar Poli and Mouk and The Good Dinosaur at cheaper prices.

1. 合友唱片 八德路一段82巷12號 (忠孝新生 MRT Exit 1)

2. 巨彬科技 台北市中正區八德路82巷14號 (忠孝新生 MRT Exit 1)

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